All the best for you

May 21, 2018

The endless blue of the sea, the summer sun, the colorful alleys and the quiet corners, the tradition and the laughing people, recall images inherently connected to the beautiful Greek islands. A destination not only for holidays but also for having a wedding ceremony. Greeks, as well as many foreigners, choose the Cycladic ornaments of the Aegean to marry, with the first being the Chinese, who often organize group weddings in Santorini, where they capture the joyful moments with countless photos, with the spectacular sunset in the background.

Of course, weddings have been always performed on the islands but in recent years they have gained special glory since not only those who follow the traditions prefer them, but also all those who seek something alternative, different, even practical many times, something quiet with few and good guests, that will also work as a honeymoon.
Very often, the choice of the island has to do with the origin of one of the two future spouses; other times, with the love and the common memories that bind them to a particular place. Whatever the reason for your wedding on an island, it is important to pay attention to several issues to make sure you experience the island wedding of your dreams.

Place and Time When we imagine a wedding on an island, we imagine a small, whitewashed chapel in the most idyllic spot of the island, with a magnificent sunset background. However, since this romantic choice is extremely popular, the availability of the church is something to be considered beforehand from very early. For this reason, one of your initial concerns should be to contact the person in charge in good time. Also, depending on the time you arrange, make sure there are a proper shadow and enough water to cool your guests.

Save the Date This foreign practice has proven to be highly effective as technology is on the side of the future spouses and their guests. All you need is a simple email or a message through social media that will indicate the date and place of your wedding until the invitations are printed. A frequent choice is a beautiful photo of the couple or an image on which the relevant information is given.

The Link Ideally, find a wedding organizer that operates on the island of your choice, even if his seat is the city you live in so that he can directly monitor the progress of the preparations. You could also find a professional of your trust, such as a hotelier or a restaurant owner, with whom you will be familiar enough, in order to contact him, if any issues come up. Even if you can visit the island often enough, it is good to have someone there to solve emergency issues and take care of minor details for you.

Skype is your best friend With the advancement of technology, especially with Skype, the distances can be overcome and you can have a truly productive “face-to-face” communication, even at a distance. It is a very easy and effective method, especially in cases where the island's professionals need to show you something, such as the space they have landscaped for the children or the rooms they will provide to the guests.

Time Comfort To intelligently manage your time, gather everything you want to arrange and set any relevant appointments in a timely fashion. For even less stress, plan more than a day's stay, since appointments are more than likely to take longer than you would expect or to be canceled. Time flexibility is preferable, so your visit to the island is productive.

Excellent Appearance Keep in mind that when wearing the wedding dress or the groom suit they may wrinkle or lose their shape. Consult the designer of your dress about folding tricks or even ask her to fold it herself and put it in the suitcase. Finally, it is a sensible idea to locate a competent professional on the island or check if the hotel provides a garment care service to make sure you have a perfect look on this important day of your life.

At sea Do not forget to show the same care for the transport of bonbonnieres. Do not leave the box in a warm place, as they will alter their shape and taste, especially if they contain chocolate or have a lot of butter. Your best choice is the traditional almond bonbonnieres that do not go bad easily and which, according to tradition, symbolize the couple's life with its sweet and bitter moments.

With a single click To facilitate your guests and for your convenience, create a site that will provide all the information you need for your wedding and its location. Include information about transportation, accommodation, beaches, offers, access to the church and reception, and specific instructions such as not to wear uncomfortable high heels if the wedding takes place in an inaccessible place. Your guests will definitely appreciate it.

Financial contribution Those with sufficient financial means and a limited number of guests typically cover travel and accommodation expenses. If this is impossible, try getting the best deals with hotels and restaurants to offer discounts to your guests. If that is also not feasible, then invest in a lunch or pre-wedding party to thank them for coming to honor you.

Welcome Be creative and offer smart, lovely and useful gifts for your guests. Gifts that will make them remember your wedding forever, such as beach towels with the groom and bride monograms, fans for the church with the colors of your wedding – which is also very handy in the summer heat, shawls for ladies because the evening can be cool, and why not a nice basket with local products?

Feel free Do not assume that the decoration must necessarily be in white-blue to identify with the Greek islands. Follow your own preferences and do not forget that the island's dynamics support both simple and complex decoration. Be careful only of the materials you will use, avoiding paper lanterns or tall table compositions as there are strong winds in the summer, that can sweep everything away.

Fair winds Talking about wind, do not think how you pose for photos without your hair and clothes being blown away by the wind. Winds on the islands can prove to be an ally rather than an enemy. Studios use to have a fan for more beautiful portraits. So, take advantage of the wind. Of course, another thing that works favorably to photos on an island is the incredible background that nature offers, highlighting each frame.

Traditional choices The scene where the bride and the groom, the bridesmaid and the groomsman, the musicians and the guests walk from the groom's home to the bride's home is extremely touching but also very entertaining. Imagine all the life-filled alleys, laughs, music and all the locals who offer their heartfelt wishes. Every island, like every part of Greece, has a rich tradition, which naturally includes marriage. Consult a native and adopt whatever custom you like and suits you. Through these traditions, you will experience more intensively the emotions of this day.

Natural Beauty The reason most designers and beauty experts insist on the austere style is convenience and practicality for an event taking place far from your permanent residence. In both groom and bride's appearance, as well as in decoration and catering, a simple approach is always the best choice. Do not forget the heat factor, which can easily spoil makeup and hair, combined with humidity, food and flower bouquets, as well as paved streets and sand that are definitely unsuitable for high heels.
The beautiful Greek islands require a special approach for a perfect wedding, but the enchanting landscape will reward you and your guests.

So, all the best for you!

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